Mercedes Isusi Hernáiz

Our school belonging to the company of Jesus, is a vocational training center with a trajectory of almost 80 years that provides training in the areas of health, chemistry and electronics.
In addition to conventional, regulated training, the centre promotes lifelong learning through courses aimed at jobseekers and active people who want to update their skills.
Our long trajectory allows us to have very close contact with the companies in our environment with which we actively collaborate, sending trainees, selecting suitable people for the jobs they offer or developing together with them technological innovation projects.
In addition, our centre has committed itself to the international dimension: all courses we send students to various European countries to carry out their training in business. Moreover, we also participate in projects with companies and institutions from other European countries, both in technical and humanitarian fields.
Among our objectives, as part of our mission, is to promote the excellence of our students, not only at the technical level, but in all aspects. Our goal as educators is to form men and women of competence, conscience, and compassionate commitment.

Ziortza Esesumaga

We work with and for people, in the world of consultancy, leading high-performance teams in the hotel and catering industry.
We have a high impact methodology, combined with sales and customer service techniques.
We use coaching tools, NLP, systemic, constellations, creativity, sales techniques…that lead to the proposed objectives.
We have developed the figure of the HOST, so that each of the employees in this sector feel that they are the main actors in the business.

Ivonne Jorge

Nuestra labor es contribuir a la prevención y eliminación de las causas de marginación social y de desigualdad, así como promover y favorecer la integración socio-laboral y el libre desarrollo de las personas y los colectivos.
Inserción social: Apoyamos a personas que por sus circunstancias personales y sociales precisan de refuerzos específicos para su inserción social.
Orientación e inserción laboral: En colaboración con Lanbide-Servicio Vasco de Empleo ofrecemos salidas profesionales.
Fomento de la igualdad de oportunidades y políticas de género
Formación y Empleo: Brindamos a las personas desempleadas las herramientas necesarias y adecuadas para incrementar su nivel de capacitación.
Educación para el Desarrollo
Interculturalidad e Inmigración

Albiz Eskola

Our school is an Infant and Primary school. In total we have 8 classrooms in Infants, 13 in Primary and one permanent classroom with a total of 462 pupils and a staff of 42 teachers.

Ikaslan Euskadi

IKASLAN is an association of 28 public vocational colleges in the Basque Country of Spain. It offers initial vocational education for post-compulsory students and continuing education for workers, the unemployed, and those threatened with unemployment.
The schools also emphasize entrepreneurship.
IKASLAN was constituted in 1996 with the aim to promote and improve Vocational Training in the region. Nowadays, our organization is implementing its own ambitious, shared and encouraging strategy, together with other relevant agents, focused on providing the Basque youth with an excellent personal and professional training to attend the needs and the challenges faced by Basque companies and society.
During the past 20 years, Ikaslan has promoted the mobility of the students and teachers of the vocational educational system, through the European projects.
With other organizations, as Tknika, a Basque Centre of Vocational Excellence or the Basque Government, we’ve taken part in many projects related with the Vocational Educational Innovation, entrepreneurship, equality and so on.


Licenciada en Derecho e Ingeniera de Sistemas de Microsoft. Acreditación BELBIN Roles de Equipo. MBA en Gestión y Dirección de Empresas
Especialista en Igualdad en el ámbito Laboral

Desarrolla su labor profesional con entidades cercanas al 3er Sector teniendo como centro de su actividad a la persona. Socia Fundadora de la Asociación MAKER EUSKADI y  colaboradora de MAKERS BARAKALDO cuyo objeto social es acercar el uso de la Impresión 3D a todas las personas y poniendo su foco, principalmente, en mujeres (Proyecto PHYTON de la DFB).

Miembro de la dirección de EMAKUMEEKIN, asociación de Mujeres Empresarias de Bizkaia.
Firme defensora de la tecnología como refuerzo de la persona: la tecnología sin conocimiento es peligrosa; la tecnología con entendimiento es fuerza.


We support and advise on entrepreneurship, business creation, personal and professional development, strategic consulting, coaching.
Non-profit social economy cooperative.
We are a dynamic organization, with a clear orientation and support for Employment and Self-employment, working and unemployed people, companies… with the aim of offering comprehensive support.

La Llave Emocional

The Emotional key is responsible for facilitating training for the acquisition and development of transversal skills such as emotional intelligence, communication, etc.