Network Member
Zavod Republike Slovenije za zaposlovanje, Public Employment Service of Slovenia
Employment Service of Slovenia is one of the key Slovenian labour market institutions. Our services are intended for: unemployed persons and jobseekers, pupils and students who need professional help in the fields of employment and career guidance, employers, providers of active employment policy programmes and social partners, professional institutions and general public. ESS is an independent legal entity with public institute status operating uniformly across the entire country. The ESS tasks and authorisations is to perform activities in the areas of employment, active employment policy programmes, career guidance, unemployment insurance, and the employment and work of foreign workers. The ESS activities are set out in the Labour Market Regulation Act, as well as in other laws and regulations from related fields of activity. In addition to laws and regulations directly governing employment, the ESS also performs its duties on the basis of laws and regulations from related fields of social activity. The ESS tasks are laid down in the Business Plan, which is adopted by the Administrative Board. The ESS basic document is the Statute. The ESS was established pursuant to Article 61 of the Employment and Insurance against Unemployment Act. The organizational and functional aspects of ESS operations take place on three levels: at the ESS head office, where the management and the Central office are located, in regional offices and in local offices across the whole country. Our main activities are: employment advice and jobbroking, life-long career guidance, unemployment benefit and unemployment insurance, implementation of active employment policy (AEP) measures and programmes, issuing of work and employment permits for foreign workers, preparation of analytical, development and other professional materials related to our activities, labour market (LM) and ESS information of a public nature.
Our Micro-Credential offer:
ESS is a project partner in the Micro-Quest project.
You are welkome to read about our work on Micro-Credential https://www.ess.gov.si/novica/konferenca-o-kompetencah-za-trg-dela-in-mikrodokazilih-ob-evropskem-letu-spretnosti and https://www.ess.gov.si/novica/uspesno-izveden-strokovni-posvet-o-mikrodokazilih-za-potrebe-trga-dela/.
You are welkome to read about our work on Micro-Credential https://www.ess.gov.si/novica/konferenca-o-kompetencah-za-trg-dela-in-mikrodokazilih-ob-evropskem-letu-spretnosti and https://www.ess.gov.si/novica/uspesno-izveden-strokovni-posvet-o-mikrodokazilih-za-potrebe-trga-dela/.