Fondo Formación Euskadi, S.S.L.

Network Member

Fondo Formación Euskadi, S.S.L.

  • Counselling and Guidance
  • Education
Fondo Formación Euskadi, S.S.L. (FFE) is leader in non-formal VET in the Basque Country. We collaborate in the improvement of professional and business performance, from the qualification and development of people, relying on Public-Private collaboration programs.

We have 5 stable centers with more than 3,000m2 of classrooms and workshops equipped with all the necessary measures for safe training. We also operate in temporary locations and we have the capacity to move equipment and resources wherever is needed.

We are a collaborating center accredited by Lanbide - SEPE (State Public Employment Service) for the delivery of training specialties and professional certificates in multiple professional families. We are accredited by different Public Administrations for the delivery of approved and certified training.
Our Micro-Credential offer:
Our training offer responds to market needs, which are so changing, so we must offer tailor-made, fast and agile training that promotes the employability of people.
For this reason, we are interested in MC accreditation to maintain an updated training offer.