Network Member
Erich Leitenbauer
- Business and Management
- Creative Arts and Media
- Education
- Information Technology and Computer Science
- Nature and Environment
- Personal Competences
- Psychology and Mental Health
- Science
The IZB (institute for future and education) HAK Mürzzuschlag is an institution of the BHAK Mürzzuschlag, an austrian business school.
Tasks areas:
Organisation of training courses
Implementation of advanced and additional training
Organisation of events
Implementation of national projects
Implementation of EU projects
Currently, the IZB is involved in various national and international projects, such as „CSR in CLASS (Erasmus +)“.
Tasks areas:
Organisation of training courses
Implementation of advanced and additional training
Organisation of events
Implementation of national projects
Implementation of EU projects
Currently, the IZB is involved in various national and international projects, such as „CSR in CLASS (Erasmus +)“.
Our Micro-Credential offer:
We don't have a Micro-Credential offe at the moment but we are very interested in this matter.