OXYS Management UG

OXYS Management UG is based in Schwerin, the capital of the north-eastern German state of Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania. It supports regional organisations and companies in educational matters, including advice and guidance on participation in transnational EU projects (ERASMUS+, INTERREG, CREATIVE CULTURE, LIFE etc.). The exchange of know-how with neighbouring and other EU countries on innovative developments in education is a core area of our activities. We are therefore very interested in finding out as soon as possible how the new accreditation concept of micro-credentials will develop and how it can best be applied.

Mindshift Skills Hub

Founded in 2017, Mindshift is a consultancy company with a national presence in Lisbon and Castelo Branco. With a strong focus on skills development, Mindshift main business areas are: #consulting services; #project design and management; #bespoke mentoring, coaching, training, and skills development programmes; #didactic digital tools; #dynamisation of professional working groups. Mindshift fosters strategic collaboration with local, national and international partners based on a culture of value creation and sustainability. Its multidisciplinary team is strongly committed to ESG practices and the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development.

Angela Gerrard

Researcher and Project Manager at Pontydysgu. We specialise in education technology at all levels and we do evaluation too.

Leean Trade Oy

Organization in involved in educational programmes, specialized in entrepreneurship education and arts.

Mairead de Gras

Independent Organizer
Interested in sustainable energy systems and environmental preservation.

Angela Farrelly

Meath Partnership is a dynamic partnership company established in 2006 to deliver a range of rural, social and economic programmes at local level across County Meath.

Through these programmes, we provide support and assistance to private individuals and community groups active at local level through capital grant aid, technical assistance, guidance and mentoring, information and support, training opportunities and development initiatives.

We are constantly updating and improving the range of services and supports we provide to meet the needs of our customers and clients.

Paula Zimmermann

Our school is a grammar school with a focus on mathematics, information technology, natural sciences and technology. We teach students in grades 5 to 12.

Edventure Studios GmbH – verified social enterprise

We are a young ED-Tech startup to turn math into an adventure.
The goal is to develop a mobile game for teenager, that helps tutoring math and is fun.
We also work in creating MOOCs, online tutoring and research projects with European perspective.